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Important Uses of Ai in Photography

Important Uses of Ai in Photography

We appreciate showcasing Big Data and Artificial Intelligence applications in fields that may surprise you on our blog. We previously discussed how customers may be able to order pizza with their eyes and how physicians might be taught using Virtual Reality in “Dining with Data.” We’re going to go at the realm of digital photography today. By 2021, this business is estimated to be valued $100.79 billion, and as technology advances, the sector has grown more open to everyone. Here are five instances of how artificial intelligence (AI) is assisting amateur and professional photographers when shooting and editing.

Documenting Everyday Life

Google launched “Google Clips” in October 2017, a wearable camera that pushes AI’s capability to new heights. The gadget is intended to “catch and save moments” from everyday life. When the camera is switched on, it will begin collecting what it sees, and using AI, it will keep the “highlights” while discarding the undesired bits (for example, when a hand blocks part of the camera). The clips are then sent to your phone, where you may modify them and select your favorites. Clips is an example of “machine vision” since it employs Google’s people-detection algorithms to determine the image’s content (smiles, surprises, and so on). The concept of having a camera documenting daily life is unappealing to some.

Use the Portrait Mode

Taking images with mobile phones has gone a long way since Sharp introduced the first camera phone, the “J-Phone,” in 2000 (for some light fun, check the comments on the post). Without the use of heavy camera equipment, we can now take exceptionally high-quality photographs and films. Many high-end cameras have included two rear cameras in recent years to provide a portrait mode that can produce the “bokeh” effect (Japanese for blur), in which the subject is in focus while the backdrop is attractively blurred. However, we may see this change again in the future, with an AI camera based on Machine Learning (ML) algorithms replicating the effect. One of them is the Google Pixel 2.

Smartphones that are even “Smarter”

As previously said, there is now a large selection of phones capable of shooting high-quality images. When it comes to smartphone picture quality, the Huawei P20 Pro is presently the best option, according to DxOMark, one of the most well-known testers of cameras, lenses, and smartphones. Its Neural Processing Unit (NPU), which enables its AI capabilities, is one of its most notable characteristics. When shooting a photo, for example, the phone utilizes AI to recognize 19 different “settings” and make necessary image modifications to generate ever-better photographs.

Image Retouching

After that, we’ll discuss picture processing. The power of Artificial Intelligence does not end when we capture a picture! When a photo is in JPEG format, scaling it up frequently results in an unsharp and fuzzy image. AI, namely Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), looks to offer a solution once again. “Let’s Enhance” use CNNs that have been trained on a large database of photographs so that when you submit an image, it can recognise particular elements (such as a wall or skin) and add more information. It can scale a JPEG picture up to 4 times without losing quality in this way. Why don’t you give it a shot?

An AI-Assisted Photographer

We’ll wrap things out by looking at Arsenal, not the football team, but Ryan Stout’s “intelligent camera assistant.” Arsenal has several remarkable capabilities, as you can see in the video below, that center on its AI, which manages the camera’s settings (exposure, aperture, and so on) based on the scene it is recording. Its powers are once again built on the foundation of neural networks. In general, the approach entails recognizing the image’s content, comparing the results to the hundreds of photographs it has been trained on, and then recommending the optimum settings based on 18 parameters.

The gadget captures a number of photographs, combines them, and then saves them to the SD card of the camera. A brief read of the comments on the YouTube video below reveals the difference between those who are enthralled by this amazing tool and those who believe it is borderline “Dodging” and removes the art of photography.
For many individuals, the fun of photography is in the composition of the image and learning how to edit it. As a result, individuals may be wary of AI’s “invasion” of this industry, and may see it as a danger to their abilities. Consumers, on the other hand, are likely to anticipate technologies that will enable them to capture even better photos to share on social media.

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